Monday to Saturday - 8:00 -17:30 

Understanding the Lifecycle of a CNG Tricycle

CNG tricycles are known for their durability, but like any vehicle, they have a defined lifecycle. Understanding the typical lifespan of a CNG tricycle and how to maintain it will help you get the most value from your investment.

Stages of a CNG Tricycle’s Lifecycle:
  1. Initial Purchase and Break-In: After purchasing a CNG tricycle, the first few months involve a break-in period where the engine and components adjust to regular use.
  2. Peak Performance: With proper maintenance, your CNG tricycle will enter its peak performance phase, where fuel efficiency and power are optimal. This stage can last several years.
  3. Gradual Wear and Tear: As time passes, wear and tear will begin to affect your vehicle’s performance. Regular maintenance can extend the lifespan, but parts will eventually need replacing.
  4. Decline and Replacement: After several years of service, your CNG tricycle will reach the end of its lifecycle. At this point, you may need to consider purchasing a new vehicle or overhauling major components.

To maximise the lifespan of your Zaki CNG tricycle, follow a regular maintenance schedule and address any issues promptly.